Let’s work together.

We are thrilled to have you and your team in Breaker28's Manager Cohort. This six-session series will refresh you on the key aspects of management that make the biggest difference in setting employees up for success. Please complete the below form and we'll get you signed up right away.

NOTE: Sessions will be held at 3 time options (10 am, 12 pm, 2 pm EST) on the following dates:

  • Session 1: 6/10 

  • Session 2: 6/24 

  • Session 3: 7/15

  • Session 4: 7/29 

  • Session 5: 8/12 

  • Session 6: 8/26

Step 1. Fill out registration form

Step 2. Finalize Registration and Pay

Manager SLAM (summer 2024)
Finalize Registration and Pay Now

Manager SLAM (summer 2024)